email marketing

inspiring forward-thinking, engaging, upcoming digital campaigns for your brand. 

 email marketing is all about data insights, targeting and curating content that meets individuals’ wants. 

consumers are showing an obsessive need for authentic connections with brands. each subscriber expecting personalised, story-telling content that builds a genuine relationship. this tactic will increase responsiveness to your marketing campaigns and strengthen any emotive experience that is already there with the audience.

brands want to do everything to get more sight of emails. it’s essential to increase open and click rates, and raise revenues.



with an effective social media and content strategies, bringing brands’ ideal consumers to an expertly designed for UX and presented site encourages data capture.  

for brand growth, collecting and storing all subscribers’ data and understanding their profiles, behaviour allows TDM to create highly effective email campaigns.

by analysing trends and uncovering opportunities, delivering tactical and interest provoking email campaigns, brands will engage with those who matter the most.

only when brand’s consumers are understood, can email marketing communicate more personally and stand out from the competition.



delivering consistent brand experiences through email marketing, to targeted consumers by levels of engagement and responsiveness will reward the brand.

clear and uncomplicated, with strong, inspiring images and concise messages, will have more impact. 

use integrated campaigns with smart tactics like user generated content in merchandised emails, or inclusion of animation and video assets.

 This set up holds the attention of everyone. Increasing positive reactions and initiating consumers to move to the brand’s site.   

 automate prospect and customer communications using customer lifetime value, lifecycle stage, and interactions with website and social media.


encourage consumers to connect and feedback with brands, on the back of receiving email marketing.

knowing consumers responses by clicks and providing places to communicate digitally, gives brands insight for future successful campaigns, but also how to treat individuals needs and facilitate a way to ask for their opinions.

requesting reviews, recommend and referring build reputation for a brand concerned with improving and providing service to its subscribers. 



discover who are the most engaged and most valuable consumers in your brand’s base. 

demonstrate that the brand knows individual more than any other, or share new and exciting announcements to promote mutual interest.

customise and test all elements of email marketing, subject lines, CTA’s, send and read times. Continually optimising to perfect the engagement and interaction between email and consumers.

use direct insight into the real people behind the tech and KPIs.

know those most likely to open or click on your brand’s emails and give these brand loyalists their curated and bespoke content, ultimately increasing purchases and revenue.

“Pippa is an exceptional digital marketer who has an eye for what could work to deliver results for her business. Her skill in researching the options, planning for their use and testing outcomes leads to optimal results.”

Rob Hunter, UK Manager at Acoustic.